Mobile Links - Korean rental Wi-Fi industry’s lowest price overseas communication service | Mobile Links

Terms of Service

1. scope of application

These Terms of Use apply to customers (hereinafter referred to as "Users") who use telecommunications equipment, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Telecommunications Equipment, etc.") related to telecommunications services (hereinafter referred to as "Services") provided by G.L. Corp.

2. scope of provision of this service

The provision of this service is limited to the usage methods specified by the Company and only in the designated areas provided by the Company.

3. application

  1. If you wish to apply for this service, please accept these Terms of Use and apply using the order form on our website by the application deadline.
  2. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request due to inventory status and other circumstances.
  3. Communication equipment related to this service must be specified by the Company, and cannot be specified by the Company.
  4. Depending on the content of your application for this service, we may require a contract deposit or credit guarantee.

4. formation of contract

The contract for this service (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") shall be deemed to be concluded upon the Company's acceptance of the contents of the application as described in the preceding article.

5. period of use

  1. The period of use of this service is from the scheduled date of departure from Japan to the scheduled date of return to Japan.
  2. In principle, the usage period cannot be changed. Even if the user returns the product earlier than the usage period due to circumstances, the difference in price will not be refunded.
  3. In principle, the usage period is a maximum of 30 days from the rental date. If the period of use of this service exceeds 30 days, you may be required to take separate procedures at the time of application, and payment will be processed every 30 days.

6. extension of the term of use

  1. If the user wishes to extend the period of use, please notify or contact us before the end of the period of use. Extensions may only be made with the consent of our company. In principle, the usage period can only be extended once.
  2. If you do not follow the procedures in the preceding paragraph and do not return the device after the end of the usage period, you will be charged an extension fee (1,050 yen/day) from the day after the end of the usage period until the return date.

7. Cancellation of application

  1. If you wish to cancel your application for this service, please notify us immediately. A cancellation fee (2,100 yen) will be charged from 2 days before the scheduled departure date from Japan.
  2. Even if you cancel before the date specified in the preceding paragraph, if the communication device, etc. has already been delivered to the user, a receiving fee (850 yen/device) will be charged.

8. delivery and return

  1. delivery
    • The Company shall deliver the communication equipment, etc. to the pick-up location and date specified by the User. If the item is delivered by delivery, round-trip shipping will be charged at a flat rate of 850 yen/unit nationwide.
    • Our company will not be held responsible if we are unable to deliver communication equipment, etc. by the scheduled delivery date due to reasons beyond our control, such as force majeure such as bad weather or accidents during transportation.
  2. return
    • Return locations are the return box on the 1st floor of Hakata Port International Terminal or the Sagawa Express delivery counter in the arrival lobby on the 1st floor of Fukuoka Airport International Terminal. In addition, users who wish to have the Wi-Fi rental kit returned must use the slip designated by our company that is enclosed with the Wi-Fi rental kit. If you return the item using a slip other than our specified one and incur shipping charges to us, you will be charged the equivalent amount of shipping charges.
    • Users who wish to have their communication equipment returned must arrive at our company's headquarters within two days of their return to Japan. If the communication device, etc. is not returned within two days of the return date, an extension fee (1,050 yen/day) will be charged from the day after the end of the usage period until the return date.

9. usage fees, etc.

The usage fee for this service consists of a rental fee and call and communication charges as determined by the Company.
※Additional service fees, such as compensation fees, will be determined separately.

  1. Rental fee: The fee is as stated on the website determined by our company.
  2. Consumption tax etc.
    • Rental fees, compensation fees, and other incidental service fees are subject to consumption tax.
    • Communication charges are exempt from consumption tax.

10. Payment method

  1. In principle, fees incurred through the use of this service shall be paid using the credit card confirmed by the Company in the application contract in accordance with the credit card company's regulations.
  2. If the usage fee for this service exceeds 100,000 yen, the payment may be billed in two installments.
  3. In the unlikely event that the credit card confirmed by the Company in the application contract cannot be used for payment by the credit card company due to the user's reasons, please specify an available credit card or use the credit card specified by the Company. You will be required to transfer a certain amount of security deposit to our designated account. If you transfer the security deposit, the difference will be refunded to the user's designated account after the usage fee is confirmed. The transfer fee for deposit transfer and refund will be borne by the user.
  4. We will send you an email confirming the usage fee for this service at the time of application or after you finish using this service.

11. rate changes

Rental and compensation fees for this service are subject to change without notice. In addition, the fee at the time of application contract (when you agree to the Terms of Service) will be applied.

12. Management and loss/damage of communication equipment, etc.

  1. Users shall use and store communication equipment, etc. in accordance with the usage specified by the Company and with the duty of care of a prudent administrator.
  2. If the user loses or damages communication equipment, etc., or if it is lost or stolen, the user shall immediately notify the Company. Call charges incurred from the date the User contacts the Company until the Company completes the prescribed procedures shall be borne by the User, regardless of whether the call was made by the User or not.
  3. In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the User shall bear the actual cost of the communication equipment, etc., unless the reason is attributable to the Company's responsibility.

13. compensation system

The compensation system is a voluntary subscription system that compensates for damage to telecommunications equipment in the event of loss, damage, or theft of such equipment during the period of use by the user.

  1. This system applies only to users who applied for membership in one of the two types at the time of application.
  2. The fee for "Anshin Light" is 210 yen/day for the use of one device, and the reimbursement amount will be reduced by 80%, with the user paying 20%.
  3. The fee for "Anshin Premium" is 320 yen/day for the use of one device, and the amount of compensation will be fully compensated (exempted).
  4. In the event of loss or theft, please be sure to obtain a certificate from the local police station or public institution that details the details of the loss or theft and present it to us. If no information is provided, the exemption rate will be a flat 50% (50% of the compensation amount will be borne by the applicant).
  5. Damage refers to a condition in which the item is damaged to the extent that it cannot be rented out, and will be determined by our company.
  6. Anshin compensation will not apply if damage to the device is caused by the reasons specified in each of the following items.
    • fraud, embezzlement
    • Intentional or gross negligence on the part of the user
    • war, disturbance or nuclear crisis
    • Natural disasters such as earthquakes and stormy weather

14. prohibited items

  1. Users must not disassemble, modify, repair, or change the performance of communication equipment, etc.
  2. Users must not engage in any act that infringes on the rights related to communication equipment, etc. of our company, such as transferring, pawning, subleasing, etc., to a third party.

15. precautions

  1. Communication equipment used in this service can only be used in areas designated by our company.
  2. The communication equipment used in this service is precision equipment and may break down even if used with sufficient care.

16. disclaimer

The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by any of the following reasons

  1. Communications from or to communication devices, etc. may be intercepted, and damage caused by this.
  2. Even in countries and regions where the service is available, it may not be available due to areas where radio waves do not reach or due to circumstances of each country's telephone company.
  3. When a User, etc. uses their own equipment or software, and is unable to use the equipment due to a specification or malfunction of the equipment.
  4. Our company will initialize the device immediately after it is returned, so we will not accept any inquiries regarding data, etc. after use.

17. termination of this Agreement

  1. If the User falls under any of the following items, the Company may immediately cancel this Agreement without any notification via communication. In this case, the Company may take measures to terminate the line of the communication equipment.
    • When false information is found on the application form
    • When the user's credit status deteriorates significantly
    • When you violate these Terms of Use
    • When the method and purpose of use of the communication device is judged to be inappropriate in light of public order and morals.
  2. In the event of cancellation as set forth in the preceding paragraph, the user shall immediately return the communication device and shall also bear any and all damages and liabilities resulting from the cancellation.

18. modification of these terms of use

These Terms of Use are subject to change without notice.

19. unsecured covenant

We shall not be liable for any accidents or damages incurred by the user or third parties due to the user's failure to use the communication equipment for its intended purpose, regardless of the cause, and the user agrees to accept this without objection in advance.

20. consensual jurisdiction

In the event of any dispute between the Company and a user with respect to these Terms of Use, the user agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the Company's head office.